CSTAR President: Helen Bolen
E-mail: hmbolen54@gmail.com
Phone: 315-415-2029
CSTAR liaison to CSTA: Joe Barbera
E-mail: jrbarbera@aol.com
Phone: 315-668-2912
NYSUT Retired Teachers Representative: Anne Marie Voutsinas
E-mail: annmarie.voutsinas@nysut.org
Phone: 315-431-4040
Continuing a Tradition of Partnership, Innovation, and Educational Excellence
The fall meeting of the Central Square Teachers' Association-Retirees will be held on Thursday,
October 17 at the Central Square Public Library at 11:00 am. The library is located at 637 South
Main Street in Central Square. Check back this fall for additional details about the meeting agenda.
The May CSTA-R newsletter is available by clicking on the link below. It contains important information
about maintaining your union membership in good standing.
NEW ==> Save the date. The fall meeting of the Central Square Teachers' Association-Retirees has been scheduled for October 17th.
CSTAR Newsletter Editor: Linda Meredith
E-mail: 1745meredith@gmail.com