Continuing a Tradition of Partnership, Innovation, and Educational Excellence

Central Square Teachers' Association

CSTA-R fall meeting highlights:

At the October meeting of the Central Square Teachers' Association-Retirees a draft of a constitution for our organization was presented, discussed and ratified.  The newly adopted CSTA-R Constitution can be viewed in the Retiree Documents section of this website, which can be found by clicking the  associated link below.  

As outlined in the Constitution, elections for officers of the CSTA-R will be held at our May meeting. The meeting will take place at the Central Square library at 11:00 am on May 15, 2025.

Nominations for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer can be submitted to and are due by March 15, 2025. The Nominating/Elections committee will then draw up the ballot and conduct the election by secret ballot at the May meeting.  The fall (October) CSTA-R newsletter, sent to members following the fall meeting, has now been posted and can be viewed by clicking the associated link below.  It contains information about the CSTA-R Constitution, dues payments, and the CSTA-R college scholarship.  Have a happy and safe holiday season.

CSTA-R documents are located on their own website page. To be taken to that page click on the navigation button below.

New ==>  Save the Date - the spring meeting of the Central Square Teachers' Association-Retirees
has been scheduled for May 15, 2025.  Check back for information on the agenda this spring.

NEW ==> Retiree Documents

Central Square Teachers' Association-Retirees (CSTAR) --  Representatives Contact Information

by Joe Barbera

CSTAR President: Helen Bolen
​​Phone: 315-415-2029​

CSTAR Newsletter Editor: Linda Meredith

CSTAR liaison to CSTA: Joe Barbera


NYSUT Retired Teachers Representative:
Anne Marie Voutsinas
Phone: 315-431-4040

Central Square Teachers' Association-Retirees (CSTAR)